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Hi! I’m Jennifer Burke, the Payment Princess. I just wanted to take a few moments in time to introduce myself and share some ‘behind the scenes’ into who the Payment Princess is.
I have been in the payment processing and world of finance just about my entire entrepreneurial life. It is honestly a passion of mine. For me nothing is ever halfway, I am either all in or not. It is the same for me in the world of merchant services, I dove headfirst into the deep end and haven’t looked back.
My company that supports the Payment Princess is Burke Merchant Solutions and just a quick plug in here the reason you should contact ‘BMS’ is that my team will learn enough about your business to make sure that the system you have is the right one for YOU… not us!
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Get to know Payment Princess
The mission behind Payment Princess Inc is to help women grow and succeed in life by supporting each other. We do this by providing a wide array of business services revolving around payment processing, networking, and business (and personal) development.